Tuesday, 26 May 2009

A plea from Margaret Bailey

The following is a copy of an Email sent to the blog and is published in the hope that someone remembers Margaret Bailey

My Mum Margaret Mitchell nee Bailey was a patient in the hospital from roughly 1962 to 1964 due to ostemylites. 
My Mum can remember the caravan in the fields and in 1962 Billy Fury and Marty Wild came to see everyone. Eden Cain also came. 
There were only 3 of them that were able to walk and we were wondering if you have had anyone else (staff or patients or teachers) from this era, contact you . . . . .?
If so my Mum would love to make contact and see how people are doing, after all this time. 
If you have any information we'd be very grateful. 
Many thanks
Phillip and Margaret Mitchell"

John Holdsworth Rescues Old MHH Photographs

Our thanks go to John for having the foresight to recognise that these photographs would one day be of interest to many and also for saving them from being destroyed and bringing them to our attention. 

His words follow:

I work for the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust which, as you know, is the successor to the Leeds Eastern District Hospitals Group which oversaw Marguerite Hepton Hospital. I have an interest in history and photography and in a discussion with a hospital manager a while ago, I was informed that there were a number of sets of old photographs of now demolished Group B and Leeds Eastern District Hospitals in an old store room and that I could have access to them to scan them for my collection.